Italy: Aircraft smashes into ski lift in Italian Alps, And gets trapped in hanging cables
A navigator and his passenger had a precarious escape after their aircraft smashed into a ski lift and got entangled with the overhead cables at a ski retreat in the Italian Alps, Daily Mail states. Photographs of the crash were yielded on Facebook by Corpo Nazionale Soccorso Alpino e Speleologico (CNSAS), the national cave and mountain rescue section of Italy.
Photographs revealed that the aircraft was left dangling sinking down after it got entangled with the wires of the ski lift. As an outcome of the accident, the 62-year-old pilot was thrown on to the wing from inside the aircraft. Call it a wonder but he did not suffer serious wounds, Daily Mail declares, continuing that he was hospitalised though, soon after.
“They really were very, very lucky. It was a miraculous escape. The plane plunged into the cables but luckily it became stuck rather than crashing to the ground. The rescue operation was very complex. The rescuers had to very precisely manoeuvre along the cables very, very slowly. We didn’t want the wires moving any more than certain. Ropes were then tightened around the two men. The whole operation to bring them to protection took an hour and a half,” Walter Milan told Daily Mail.
“We had 20 rescue personnel and two helicopters involved. It was a miracle. The pilot sustained injuries but not too severe. Both men were of course very shocked also,” he responded.
Walter Milan also reported the Daily Mail that the cause of the accident is being reviewed.